Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: February 2022

The Art of Barbering and Tools of the Trade

The Art of Barbering and Tools of the Trade

Barbering is an artform and being a barber means you can inspire new trends and set the stage for the community. After all, today’s clients are not just looking for a quick trim and a shave. They want to leave the shop or salon with a style that shows off their unique personality and form a connection with the individual...

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reasons why beauty school is right for you

Reasons Why Beauty School is Right for You

It’s safe to say that choosing a career path is one of those life-changing decisions that can literally transform your future. It’s also safe to say it’s not always the easiest choice to make. After all, you’ll be spending a lot of your time in that career, so choosing something you love doing is a great place to start. Let’s...

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