Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: May 2023

keep skin healthy this summer

5 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy This Summer

When it comes to keeping skin healthy and glowing, every season comes with its’ own special challenges. And summer is no exception. Scorching heat, humidity, and increased exposure to the sun can bring a whole set of issues including sun damage, breakouts, clogged pores, and more. But not to worry lovers of summer! We’ve rounded up our top 5 skincare...

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Barber trends

Top Barbering Techniques and Trends

Hair doesn’t stop growing, so unless the men of the world decide to embrace the cave-man look, it’s a safe bet that barbering is here to stay. So what are the latest trends making a splash in one of the world’s oldest professions? Glad you asked! Check out some of the top barbering trends and techniques we discovered in our...

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