Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: July 2023

Tips to keep your hair healthy this summer

Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Summer

Oh summer, how we love you for all the things you bring with you every year! Beach days, pool parties, warm weather – what’s not to love? Ok, when it comes to summer hair, we might have a few minor complaints. Because while we love the fun and festivities of summer, the season of the sun can do a number...

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Top reasons to enroll in continental's hairdressing and cosmetology programs

Top Reasons to Enroll in Continental’s Hairdressing and Cosmetology Program

One very accurate definition of a beautician – [‘bewe:tish:shun] a highly skilled and magical being, a multi-talented artist who is not only a master of color, design and creativity but has the patience and the power to completely transform a mood and turn a frown upside down. See also; therapist, confidante, saint, friend. Seriously, is there anyone more lauded and...

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