Continental School of Beauty Blog

keep skin healthy this summer

5 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy This Summer

When it comes to keeping skin healthy and glowing, every season comes with its’ own special challenges. And summer is no exception. Scorching heat, humidity, and increased exposure to the sun can bring a whole set of issues including sun damage, breakouts, clogged pores, and more. But not to worry lovers of summer! We’ve rounded up our top 5 skincare tips for making this the summer you love the skin you’re in.

  • Enjoy the sun the right way 

By being a sunscreen soldier! Long-term sun exposure can really have long-term, negative effects on your skin. Yes, being a sun worshipper without the right protection can result in hyperpigmentation, premature aging, and even skin cancer. So grab that sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every 2 hours. 

  • Don’t forget the lips

Some people forget to protect their lips with sunscreen and that can lead to peeling, flaky lips or bring out cold sores if you’re prone to them. Don’t neglect your lips during your skincare regimen! To keep them looking and feeling smooth, look for your favorite lip color or lip balm with an SPF of at least 15. And apply, apply, apply! 

  • Choose a summer-friendly moisturizer

Different weather calls for different things. While you may use a heavier moisturizer in the cold, dry winter months to protect your skin, the humidity of summer can lead to clogged pores. Instead, opt for a lightweight moisturizer that also has an SPF factor for extra protection. You might also want to look for a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid to for a best of both worlds result.  

  • Exfoliate regularly

But don’t over-exfoliate. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, rejuvenating your skin and stimulating new collagen development. But doing it too often can sap your skin of its natural moisturizers. Start with exfoliating once a week and monitor how your skin reacts. You can up it to twice a week if your skin is reacting well. And be sure to moisturize and use plenty of sunscreen after exfoliating. Your fresh, new skin will be extra sensitive to damaging UV rays. 

  • Make water your beverage of choice

Your body needs hydration, and so does your body’s largest organ! Skin needs to be kept hydrated and even if you have oily skin, it’s important to moisturize your skin on a regular basis. And yes, drinking plenty of water is also essential to a good skin care regimen. Let’s face it; what you put in your body affects what your body puts out. 

Your skin will only ever be as good as your skincare routine. So, invest in your skin by taking the time to treat it like what it is – your most valuable accessory. And if you’re in – to all things – skin, maybe you’d be perfect for a career as an esthetician. Estheticians are the superheroes of skincare and jobs for estheticians are growing at a much faster than average rate! In fact, the skincare industry is projected to add more than 13,000 new jobs for estheticians by 2031.  

If you’d like to learn more about a career making people happy with the skin they’re in, check out the Esthetics Program at Continental School of Beauty. With 3 campus locations to choose from in upstate New York, Continental is helping students get the hands-on training and skills they need to become licensed estheticians. Contact us today for more information!  

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