Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: Tips

Do’s and Don’ts for Your Beauty Portfolio

Do’s and Don’ts for Your Beauty Portfolio

If you’re considering pursuing a future in the exciting world of beauty you need to know that a well-crafted portfolio can be your golden ticket to success. After all, a well-crafted portfolio is not just a collection of your work; it's a testament to your talent, creativity, and dedication. To help you hit the ground running, we’re sharing some key...

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7 tips and tricks blog

 7 Tips and Tricks to Make Your Makeup Last All Day

It’s pretty hard to beat the feeling you get when you look in the mirror and, um, yeh, you nailed your look for the day. Perfectly painted lips, eyes that pop, skin so smooth it practically shimmers, yes, the wonder of make-up and all it does for confidence on a daily basis. What’s not so wondrous is when said face...

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