Continental School of Beauty Blog


Helpful Tips for Curly Hair

“I’ll just jump in the shower and then leave,” said no curly haired person ever! If you are one of those people blessed with a full corkscrew crown that often decides what kind of day you’re going to have based on how it behaves; you know the expression – “curly hair don’t care”,  was invented by a someone with straight hair. Yes, the struggle is real folks! Fortunately, we’ve got some helpful hints to keeping your spiral mane looking good and will have you making bad hair days just a bad memory!

Don’t brush me off Curly hair turns into frizzy hair when you use a brush to detangle your wildly wound locks. Use a wide-tooth comb instead, combing from the bottom up and you will detangle that follicle forest without creating a brush fire!

Split ends aren’t your friends Split ends are nobody’s friends! But for curly hair, they are even worse and make the hair look brittle and invite frizz. Trim the ends of your hair on a regular basis to avoid split ends and to keep it looking healthy.

Proactive products There are some great serums and products out there that will help prevent frizz and also protect the hair if you use hot tools like the blow dryer or flat iron.

Towel me gently without the towel Avoid wrapping up your hair in a towel to dry. The heavy, cotton fibers can cause breakage and frizz, especially when you twist the hair into the towel. As an alternative, use a clean t-shirt and gently squeeze rather than twist to absorb excess water.

Net yourself a winner To make sure your curls keep their shape but still get clean, shower with a hairnet. Keeping those curls contained while washing, will keep them looking lush for longer.

Defuse the situation A diffuser is an attachment to your blow dryer that evenly distributes the heat and reduces frizz. To set the style, finish with a cool blast of hair. This also helps minimize frizz.

Feed those follicles Just like any part of your body, what you put in it affects how it looks and feels. It’s important to get the right nutrients your hair needs on a regular basis to keep it looking healthy. Foods that are high in biotin and vitamin A like eggs, salmon and nuts are great for providing essential nutrients to your hair.

So hats off to the curly haired among us, cause you won’t need a hat if you embrace the crowning glory of your gloriously curly crown! The beauty of beauty is that it comes in all shapes, sizes and textures! And if you are a fan of all things beauty and style, maybe a career helping people find and embrace their perfect style is right for you! Check out Continental School of Beauty’s Hairdressing and Cosmetology program and see how Continental is helping students blaze their own trail in the world of beauty. With campus locations all across upstate NY, including a Barbering program in Rochester, there are plenty of options to choose from! What are you waiting for? Contact Continental today to learn more!

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