Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: January 2019

woman caressing her face during winter

How to Change your Skin Routine for Winter

Of all the things Winter brings with it, the one thing we could all do without is Winter skin! Cold air and low humidity zap the skin of natural moisture. Combatting it can also lead to clogged pores, breakouts and dry flaky skin! It’s like the perfect storm of skin nightmares. But don’t fret Winter warriors! We’ve got some great...

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woman smiling holding hairdryer

New Year, New Beauty Career

There’s just something about ushering in a new year that makes it feel like the perfect time to also usher in a whole new career! So, as we simultaneously celebrate the year in our rear-view mirror and the one up ahead, it’s a great time to ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you...

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