Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: August 2020

Tips to grow your social media following

Tips to Grow Your Social Media Following

Looking for tips to grow your beauty brand on social media? If you’re trying to make your mark in the beauty industry by building your own personal beauty brand, standing out from the competition is essential and social media can be a very powerful tool. Understanding the do’s and don’ts of building a successful social media following can be challenging....

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Easy Messy Bun Looks

Easy, Messy Bun Looks

Looking for some easy, messy bun looks? We’ve all had one of those mornings. You know, the - overslept, traffic is bumper to bumper, and you have an 8 o’clock meeting with your boss kind of mornings? The last thing you need is last night’s bedhead! Fortunately, you can take a little of the mayhem out of your morning when...

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