Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: July 2022

top beard maintenance tips for a healthy beard

Top Beard Maintenance Tips for a Healthy Beard

It’s safe to say that beards are not just in, but they’re here to stay and come in all shapes and sizes. Down to your belly beards, a carefully pruned goatee, that timeless five o’clock shadow, the beardstache (yep! That’s a real thing), and the list goes on. There are a ton of options when it comes to choosing a...

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career choices for hairdressing and cosmetology

Career Choices for Hairdressing and Cosmetology

It’s safe to say, choosing a career path is never an easy decision. But a good place to start is by asking yourself, what do I love doing? Or maybe, what will make me jump out of bed in the morning vs hitting the snooze button 5 or more times every day. If adding beauty to the lives of people...

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