Continental School of Beauty Blog

barber hair for men

Best Hair Cuts and Styles for Men

With a history of haircuts like the “business in the front, party in the back” mullet and styles that include the “man-bun”, you might have a moment of pity for men looking for their fair share of style in today’s very style conscious world. What’s a guy to do? Fortunately, the equal rights of fashion and style really do extend to the men too! So bleached spikes and shaggy skater hair notwithstanding, what are the best cuts and styles for the man of today? When in doubt, keep it classic!

  • The Classic Taper – This low maintenance, timeless cut leaves enough hair on top to style but the sides and back are shaved. Perfect for a variety of face shapes and different hair types.
  • The Long Buzz Cut – The traditional buzz-cut used to get a bad name and implied you just couldn’t afford to go to the barber shop. But the long buzz-cut says sporty, edgy and hot! And cut short all around, it’s still low maintenance and easy.
  • The Under-Cut – Short on the sides, and just a little longer on the top, this style is often worn slicked back due to the longer hair still on top. Older teen boys typically love this classy look but don’t be surprised to see it on men of all ages.
  • The Faux-Hawk – Not for the faint of heart, this cut screams, “I gotta be me!” Short around the sides and the back, as it gradually pulls towards the middle of the head, the faux hawk is a great cut for men with a longer face, stronger chin or high cheek bones.
  • The Pompadour – Can you say the King is King?? Elvis made this cut sing with its long all around and even longer on top, styled slicked tightly back for a “poofed” look. But it still works and is a popular style around the world.

There are many more cuts and styles that make a man stand out. It’s a brave new world where a whole industry revolves around the carefully or carelessly styled male head. Wax, gel, mousse, volumizer… are just a few examples of the tools of the male hair trade. Have you thought about joining the ranks of professionals making men look good, one haircut at a time? Continental School of Beauty’s Rochester Barbering Program is ready to help you launch a career in the barbering industry. With hands-on training from experienced instructors who love what they do, Continental can put you on the path to your future as a professional barber! Contact us at 585-272-8060 or schedule your visit today!

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