Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: Hairdressing

Hair Color Trends and Techniques

Hair Color Trends and Techniques

As the beauty industry evolves, so do the trends and techniques in hair coloring. Whether you’re looking to make a bold statement or subtly enhance your natural color, staying up-to-date with the latest hair color trends and techniques is essential. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the hottest hair color trends and techniques that can help you achieve these...

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Communication Tips for Hairstylists

Communication Tips for Hairstylists

Communication lies at the heart of every successful hairstyling appointment. As a hairstylist, your ability to connect with clients, understand their needs, and articulate your expertise is paramount. In this blog, we'll explore the art of client communication, offering invaluable communication tips for hairstylists to build strong relationships, enhance the salon experience, and ultimately, elevate their careers. Establishing Rapport Building...

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Is a Career in the Beauty Industry Right for Me?

Is a Career in the Beauty Industry Right for Me?

World-renowned fashion designer Christian Dior said, “Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness.” But if your version of happiness is a career that’s all about beauty, just think of the happy, beautiful future you could have. Still, choosing the right career path that your future self will thank you for is a big decision....

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Tips to keep your hair healthy this summer

Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Summer

Oh summer, how we love you for all the things you bring with you every year! Beach days, pool parties, warm weather – what’s not to love? Ok, when it comes to summer hair, we might have a few minor complaints. Because while we love the fun and festivities of summer, the season of the sun can do a number...

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Top reasons to enroll in continental's hairdressing and cosmetology programs

Top Reasons to Enroll in Continental’s Hairdressing and Cosmetology Program

One very accurate definition of a beautician – [‘bewe:tish:shun] a highly skilled and magical being, a multi-talented artist who is not only a master of color, design and creativity but has the patience and the power to completely transform a mood and turn a frown upside down. See also; therapist, confidante, saint, friend. Seriously, is there anyone more lauded and...

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What you'll learn in Continental's Cosmetology program

What You’ll Learn in Continental’s Cosmetology Program

If you’re looking for a cosmetology school that can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a beauty professional - look no further than Continental School of Beauty in upstate New York. This top-notch beauty school offers an intensive cosmetology program that can help you get the hands-on skills and knowledge necessary to become a cosmetologist. But before we explore...

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6 tips to get the most out of beauty school

6 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Beauty School

If you’re considering pursuing a future in the beauty industry, you’ve got great timing! Because the industry is growing at a rapid pace. So fast, in fact, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an additional 65,000 jobs will be added to the industry by 2031. To help you get on the path to the beautiful future you’ve always dreamed of, we’ve...

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What to know before enrolling in a Cosmetology Program graphic

What to know before enrolling in a Cosmetology School

Deciding to pursue a career in cosmetology is a great first step to the future you’ve always dreamed of. But to make getting to that future a little easier, it’s a good, no – great idea, to do your research and be prepared for what lies ahead. To help you hit the ground running, we’ve rounded up the things you...

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