Continental School of Beauty Blog

painted fingernails

How to Get (and Keep) Healthy Nails

If you’re one of those people who have literally longed for beautiful, elegant nails but instead have brittle, breakable nails that are more blah than beautiful, you are not alone! It seems there are a lot of folks afflicted with frazzled fingertips who just want a shot at sporting the nails that are the perfect accessory rather than perfectly awful! Fortunately, there’s hope! We’ve got 5 ways to get and keep healthy nails that will get you 2 beautiful thumbs (and 8 fingers) up!

1. Nourish your nails with proper nutrition – Just like every other part of our body, what we put in affects what our body puts out. A healthy diet that includes good sources of protein, calcium, iron, and zinc is going to be a step in the right direction. You can also try biotin supplements which some research suggests can have a positive impact on healthy nails. Just be sure to check with your doctor before trying any new supplement.

2. Keep it clean kids – But do it with caution. Keeping your nails clean is essential to avoiding nasty bacteria that can cause harmful infections. Use a nail brush and gently scrub your nails but be careful using sharp tools to get under the nail as you can injure the delicate nail bed between your nail and your skin opening the door to a fungal infection.

3. No more dishwashing – Ok, so maybe you can’t avoid doing the dishes, but you can minimize the negative effects of immersing your nails in hot soapy water by simply wearing gloves. If you work in the restaurant industry or just plain always have your hands in water, your nails can be weakened. So, give them a break and while you’re at it, give yourself one!

4. Be nail salon savvy – Most nail salons practice excellent hygiene and who doesn’t love a good mani-pedi? But be sure to pay attention to whether they are using fresh, sterilized instruments and that whatever you’re soaking your toes or fingers in is also impeccably clean. Many salons let you keep your own set of personal instruments there to ensure you know where they were used before. After all, no one wants to end up with a fungal infection that leaves you with a “franken-nail”.

5. Cuticles matter – Ahh the cuticles! Your nails last line of defense. Keeping your cuticles trimmed or pushed back is fine but don’t go too far. Also keep them moisturized, especially before bed when you don’t have to worry about slathering on too much.

A set of lovely nails can really accentuate your look and can make you feel like a million bucks! Just stick to a regimen when it comes to nail care and before long, you’ll be high-fiving rather than hiding your nails from the world! If you’ve always had a passion for nails, guess what? Continental School of Beauty is helping students all over upstate New York get the hands-on training and skills they need to launch careers in esthetics and nails. With multiple campus locations to choose from and flexible schedules to fit any lifestyle, Continental can help you turn your love of finger painting into a fun and fabulous future! Contact Continental School of Beauty today to learn more or to schedule a tour of one of our campus locations.

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