Continental School of Beauty Blog

woman swimming

How to Prevent Chlorine Damage to your Hair

Weekends spent lounging in the pool means you need to know how to prevent chlorine damage to your hair. Summer means longer, hotter days with pools open and begging to be enjoyed. The downside? The beating your hair takes from frequent dips in the pool. You consider your options. Swimming in an un-chlorinated pool is not appealing. Neither is that circa 1950’s bathing cap your mom suggested. Abstain altogether? No way! You waited all winter for this! Not to worry! We’ve got some great tips for keeping your hair healthy in or out of the pool and what to do if you have damage.

Cap it off

Yes, we know you hate that bathing cap your mom suggested. But why not use it when you’re enjoying the pool solo? After all, if no one is there to see you, did you really look crazy?

Start with a wet head

Before jumping into the pool, saturate your hair with tap water. If your hair is already soaked with water, it will absorb less chlorine.

Rinse, repeat, and rinse again

Rinse your hair immediately after swimming to get rid of any chlorine clinging to your hair. If you’re spending hours or even the entire day in the pool, take the time to rinse the chlorine out periodically. Not letting it soak into your hair will help protect it.

Give it back some moisture

Chlorine strips your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and frizzy. Be sure to condition your hair well during pool season and consider a leave-in conditioner to give it an extra boost of hydration.

Take steps to repair the damage

If you’ve already got chlorine damage, use a clarifying shampoo or rinse your hair with apple-cider vinegar to remove chlorine buildup. You can also give your hair regular protein treatments to repair the damage. Keep your ends trimmed to help prevent split ends.

Enjoying all that summer has to offer and help keep your hair healthy with a few simple tricks. Get out there and relish every second of your sun-soaked summer! If you’re more than a little passionate about all things hair-related, maybe a career in cosmetology is right for you! To learn more about a career in the world of beauty, check out the Hairdressing and Cosmetology Program at Continental School of Beauty. Continental is helping students in upstate New York get the hands-on training and skills they need to launch exciting careers as licensed cosmetologists. Contact Continental School of Beauty today to find out more.

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