Continental School of Beauty Blog


Horst Rechelbacher Foundation’s “Sustainable Beginnings” basic cosmetology and barbering 2022  programs and will be awarded through the Beauty Changes Lives Organization. Applications are accepted September 1 – November 30, 2022

Award Amount | # of Recipients


Five (5) winners will be awarded

Scholarship Description & Award Information

In 1978, Horst Rechelbacher founded the Aveda Corporation, a global plant-based cosmetic company, & ushered a new consciousness into the world of beauty. Two decades later, he shifted focus to Intelligent Nutrients, a health & beauty company that lives to the highest standards of certified organic ingredients to sustainable plant-based chemistry. All of Horst’s innovations revolved around beauty products that would care for professionals, their guests & the planet through the power of pure flower & plant essences.

Horst’s entrepreneurial vision is to create successful businesses in partnership with nature. As he puts it, “Business can be a solution to our planet’s crisis rather than the problem. We are at the threshold of the Sustainable Evolution, and I believe it will be even greater than the industrial revolution. It is a very exciting time for innovative thinkers and future-minded entrepreneurs, who I call ‘Ecopreneurs.’

This scholarship is for prospective or currently enrolled student of the beauty industry. The “Sustainable Beginnings” scholarship is designed to financially support those seeking licensure in the fields of cosmetology or barbering.

Applicant Requirements – “Sustainable Beginnings” Basic Cosmetology

  • This scholarship is open to new or currently enrolled students in a cosmetology/barbering program that leads to licensure at an accredited school in the U.S.
  • The applicant must be eighteen (18) years of age or older by the start date of the program at the accredited school or institution.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Complete online application and submit proof of enrollment for a cosmetology/barbering program with uploading your: progress report, or official acceptance letter from your school.
  • Submit a 3-minute  (maximum length) YouTube video with a public link answering the following questions::
    • (A.) Describe why environmental sustainability is important to you.
    • (B.) Describe one step that you have taken to help decrease waste.
    • (C.) After researching Horst Rechelbacher, what passions do you have in common with him?

Applications accepted from September 1 – November 30, 2022!

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