Continental School of Beauty Blog

top beard maintenance tips for a healthy beard

Top Beard Maintenance Tips for a Healthy Beard

It’s safe to say that beards are not just in, but they’re here to stay and come in all shapes and sizes. Down to your belly beards, a carefully pruned goatee, that timeless five o’clock shadow, the beardstache (yep! That’s a real thing), and the list goes on. There are a ton of options when it comes to choosing a beard that suits your particular style. But before you take the leap of faith into beardom, you should make sure you have a solid plan for keeping your beard and the skin underneath it, as healthy as possible. To help you put your best face forward, we’ve rounded up our top maintenance tips for keeping your beard looking and feeling good.

There are a ton of beard products out there, but what you’ll need for your beard depends on exactly that – your beard. If your skin is dry, you’ll want to choose products tailored to your skin type. But let’s cover the basics.

Tame the Beast

If you only choose one product to use for your beard, you should definitely consider making it beard oil. It’s perfect for moisturizing and softening beard hair and is a fantastic way to keep your skin healthy and fresh underneath.

Smooth Moves

Beard oil can help with conditioning and moisturizing, but sometimes it’s not enough to tame those pesky flyaways. If your beard is somewhat out of control, beard balm takes control. The balm acts as a leave in conditioner, which like the oil, will moisturize and soften your beard, but in addition, it will control the hairs of your beard. Balm is thicker in consistency than oil so it’s much better at holding things down.

Mustache you a question

Do you need more than just something to hold things down, but maybe curl up those edges? Another product for your mane is beard wax, aka mustache wax. This product is very thick, basically wax-like and will hold your mustache or beard into any style you like. Think of the gents curling the tips of their mustache.

Essential tools

Products aren’t the only things you need to keep a well-groomed beard. Always have a beard comb or brush to rid yourself of knots. And even if you like your beard down to your belly, be sure to keep trimmers or scissors on hand to edge up your face for a defined line and trim those edges for growth.

Finally, routine, routine, routine

Pick a routine that works best for you and stick to it. Make sure to brush out the knots daily and apply beard oil once in the morning and once in the evening. Apply your beard oil while your beard is still damp from your shower whether that’s in the morning or evening (or both!). Remember applying oil throughout the day is okay, just don’t overdo and make your beard greasy.

There’s no question that a well-groomed beard can make a bold statement. Now that you know how to take care of your beard, maybe you should consider turning your love of beard-ology into a living as a barber!  Becoming a barber can, not only turn you into an entrepreneur and an artist, but it can also be a career you will enjoy doing.  If barber training sounds right up your alley, you should check out the  Barbering Program at Continental School of Beauty. Offered at our Rochester campus, Continental is helping students get the hands-on training and skills they need to join the talented barbers out there keeping guys well-groomed and looking their best! Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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