Continental School of Beauty Blog

What is skinimalism? why is it taking the beauty world by storm?

What is Skinimalism? Why is it taking the beauty world by storm?

If you’re looking for a way to downsize the overflowing number of makeup and skincare products that seem to be taking over your medicine cabinet, your vanity and well every surface in your bathroom, bedroom and home in general, think skinimalism! If you’re wondering what exactly this tongue-twisting new skincare trend is, we can sum it up in three words: back to basics. Or to get right at the heart of it, minimal skincare, minimal makeup, less is more, just the essentials. Let’s break it down.

Why is Skinimalism Taking the Beauty World by Storm?

Skinimalism is all about healthy, natural radiant skin that doesn’t require pulling out 8 different products on a daily basis. The key word here is natural. Let’s face it, people today are looking for ways to simplify their lives and spending less time, money and effort on a cumbersome makeup & skincare regimen. Less time, less effort, less money + glowing skin = yes please! And the first step to achieving the skinimalism look, is figuring out what your skin needs.

What Does My Skin Really Need?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology*, to maintain healthy skin, simplifying your skincare routine is where it’s at. It comes down to a few simple steps outlined here:

  1. Sunscreen – every day, all day – Wearing a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is one of the single most important things you can do for your skin.
  2. Choose skincare products for your skin type – Whatever your skin type is, it’s important to select products tailored for your specific needs for the best results. Whether you skin is dry, oily, combination or sensitive, look for products that are right for you.
  3. Simplify your regimen – Stick to the rule of 3 when it comes to keeping it simple and skinimalist? Cleanser, sunscreen and moisturizer. But keep the cleanser gentle and skip the products with harsh additives than can irritate your skin.

Keep Makeup to the Bare Minimum

The other part of the skinimalism trend is keeping makeup to a bare minimum. It’s about embracing your real skin and not hiding beneath layers of makeup. That doesn’t mean a dab of color on your cheeks and lips, or a bit of mascara is off limits. But keep it real and keep it simple, letting your natural glow shine through.

It really comes down to loving your skin just as it is. So, keep it looking great and feeling great, by caring for it from the inside out both simply and effectively. And if you’re a fan of all things skincare, maybe the time is right to join the world of beauty! If you’re looking for a future helping others feel great about their skin, check out the Esthetics Program at Continental School of Beauty. With three campus locations to choose from, Continental is helping students get the hands-on training and skills they need to work as licensed estheticians.  Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a campus tour.


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