Continental School of Beauty Blog

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy

Let’s face it, there are few things you wouldn’t do to keep your hair beautiful and healthy. From hair treatments made from the royal jelly of honeybees to using dryer sheets to get rid of static hair – most of us would do just about anything to get healthy, great-looking hair. Why not? After all, a bad or good hair day can literally transform your whole day! We’re here to help with some easy tips for keeping your locks healthy and your hair game strong.

Hair headache treatment

It might sound strange but crushing up a few aspirin into your shampoo every few weeks is a thing. Why? Because the salicylic acid in aspirin helps to remove build-up in your hair that creates dullness, leaving your hair looking fresher and more radiant.

Pre-pool prep

 We all know chlorine can do a number on your hair but why would we want to skip that dip? Try applying a moisturizing conditioner to wet hair before you get in the pool to keep the chlorine from soaking into your hair.

Step away from the brush with wet hair

Brushing wet hair is an invitation for breakage. Unfortunately, it’s hard to avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb and start at the tips of your hair gently working toward the roots.

Wet hair, don’t care

Oh, but once again it does! Don’t take that super-hot flat iron to damp or wet hair or you’re creating a recipe for disaster and damaged hair. Make sure your hair is totally dry and apply a heat-protecting spray before flat ironing.

Be a little dirty

Over washing your hair can strip it of its natural oils, fade your color, and lead to frizz. What is over washing? Shampooing every day. So, remember, sometimes less really is more.

Rub your hair the right way

And with the right thing! Avoid roughly toweling your hair dry with a cotton towel to avoid damaging the cuticles of your hair. Try an old t-shirt or microfiber cloth and blot gently. Don’t wring your hair out like a dishrag or it can turn out looking like one!

You and your hair are in this together, so take it easy. If you’re passionate about hair on a whole other level, maybe a career in Cosmetology is right for you! If you’d like to turn your passion into a living, check out the Hairdressing and Cosmetology Program at Continental School of Beauty. With three campus locations across upstate New York to choose from, Continental is training the next generation of talented beauty artists. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a virtual campus tour.

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