Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: careers

Top reasons to enroll in continental's hairdressing and cosmetology programs

Top Reasons to Enroll in Continental’s Hairdressing and Cosmetology Program

One very accurate definition of a beautician – [‘bewe:tish:shun] a highly skilled and magical being, a multi-talented artist who is not only a master of color, design and creativity but has the patience and the power to completely transform a mood and turn a frown upside down. See also; therapist, confidante, saint, friend. Seriously, is there anyone more lauded and...

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keep skin healthy this summer

5 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy This Summer

When it comes to keeping skin healthy and glowing, every season comes with its’ own special challenges. And summer is no exception. Scorching heat, humidity, and increased exposure to the sun can bring a whole set of issues including sun damage, breakouts, clogged pores, and more. But not to worry lovers of summer! We’ve rounded up our top 5 skincare...

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Barber trends

Top Barbering Techniques and Trends

Hair doesn’t stop growing, so unless the men of the world decide to embrace the cave-man look, it’s a safe bet that barbering is here to stay. So what are the latest trends making a splash in one of the world’s oldest professions? Glad you asked! Check out some of the top barbering trends and techniques we discovered in our...

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What you'll learn in Continental's Cosmetology program

What You’ll Learn in Continental’s Cosmetology Program

If you’re looking for a cosmetology school that can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a beauty professional - look no further than Continental School of Beauty in upstate New York. This top-notch beauty school offers an intensive cosmetology program that can help you get the hands-on skills and knowledge necessary to become a cosmetologist. But before we explore...

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Careers for Barbers

Career Options for Barbers

Are you a barber looking for a unique career in the industry? Do you want to stand out from the competition and become an expert in a specialized field? If so, then you’re in luck! There are many barber training and career opportunities available that you may not have known existed. In this blog post, we will explore five of...

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