Continental School of Beauty Blog

Posts In: new york

barber headline

Why is a Career in Barbering Right for You?

There are professional occupations in the world that require a lot more trust from their patrons than others. Think about it, your doctor, your banker, your attorney… and yes, your barber, all have an important role in your life . Finding one you trust implicitly is an absolute necessity. Let’s face it, when you consider the fact that you are...

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woman with colored hair

Congratulations to Continental Graduate, Amanda Stewart!

Congratulations to our amazingly talented Continental graduate, Amanda Stewart, who recently won the Zoom Color Goldwell Competition! Amanda currently works at Re:Vive Salon, which carrries Goldwell color products.  When she learned that Goldwell had a color competition for CNY locals called Zoom Color, she set her sights on showing off her talents there. At the Award Ceremony, held at the...

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Helpful Tips for Curly Hair

“I’ll just jump in the shower and then leave,” said no curly haired person ever! If you are one of those people blessed with a full corkscrew crown that often decides what kind of day you’re going to have based on how it behaves; you know the expression – “curly hair don’t care”,  was invented by a someone with straight...

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salon specials

Halloween Nail Art 2017

There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow in Halloween moonlight.  That’s right, Halloween is right around the corner. And for all you stylish ghouls out there, it’s time to put together an unforgettable look that literally screams on the creepiest night of the year! But don’t just don a wig and plaster your face with Halloween makeup. If...

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nail trends

Top Fall Manicure Trends 2017

The art of “nailing” it with nails that make a statement is indeed an art. And in a hands-on world, it’s more important than ever to lead with digits that dazzle! This fall’s hottest manicure trends range from vintage to futuristic and everything in between. Check out some of the latest and don’t be afraid to let your hands do...

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fall hair trends

Fall 2017 Hair Trends

The seasons change and so do we! When the season changes from warm and balmy to cool and crisp, trading those flip flops for boots is just the beginning of the annual fall makeover. Fall ushers in cooler temperatures and a myriad of colors and kicks off the official start of a holiday season generally packed with parties and events...

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